The Results of Self-efficacy Assessment for Depression and Facebook Addiction of Surindra Rajabhat University Students in the New Normal


  • บุญเลี้ยง ทุมทอง มรภ.สุรินทร์


Depression, Student, Facebook, Self – Efficacy, New Normal.


The objective of this research was to study the results of self-efficacy assessments for depression prevention and the use of Facebook among students. And to determine the predictor of depression and how students use Facebook The sample consisted of 753 students randomly using multiple steps. The tools used to collect information include: general information query depression screening the self-efficacy questionnaire had 0.85 confidence questionnaires, the parenting model questionnaire had 0.83 confidences and the Facebook questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. And analyzes the multiple regressions step by step the research results were found that;              1. The students had a high level of self-efficacy with a mean of 4.02, a standard deviation of 0.56.              2. The students had the overall level of depression symptoms, were abnormal but did not have depression, mean 0.90, standard deviation 0.99.              3. The students had a moderate level of overall parenting style with a mean of 3.28, a standard deviation of 0.75.              4. Good predictors for predicting depression among students (Y1)  are: Self-efficacy and self-reliant parenting style It was able to collectively explain the variance of depression among the students of 76.88 percent with the standard deviation of the forecast of 3.70.            5. Good predictors for forecasting student Facebook addiction ((Y2)) are: The punitive parenting style and the self-reliant parenting style they were able to jointly explain the variance of students' Facebook addiction at 75.78 percent with a standard deviation of 3.51.


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