video media, QR code, UV-VIS spectrophotometerAbstract
This research aimed to 1) develop video media using UV-VIS spectrophotometer with QR code to enhance knowledge and understanding how to use the instrument correctly, 2) to study on the achievement of students before and after using video media UV-VIS spectrophotometer with QR code, and 3) to evaluate satisfaction of students towards the developed video media. The target in this research was 30 second-year and third-year undergraduate students in Program of Chemistry, Academic year 2019, Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University which obtained from a specific selection. The research instruments were divided into 3 parts as follows: 1) video media with QR code 2) pre-and post-test measuring of academic achievement 3) satisfaction questionnaire of students uses a 5-point rating scale. The statistics used in the data analysis consisted of mean (M), standard deviation (S), and dependent t-test. The results found that 1. The development of video media for UV-VIS spectrophotometer using with QR code has the achievement scores after video media learning (M = 9.80, S = 0.55) higher than before the learning (M = 9.80, S = 0.55) at .05 level of significance. 2. The students’ satisfaction questionnaires after using video media showed that the overall score of satisfaction was at the highest level (M = 4.59). When considering each aspect of learning assessment, it revealed that content explanation was easy to understand (M = 4.60), convenience of using video media via QR code (M = 4.60), ability to self-machine learning after using video media (M = 4.53), content, knowledge from video media can be used to enhance teaching and learning (M = 4.67) and the overall of satisfaction to video media (M = 4.77) were at the highest level.
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