
  • ณัฐวัตร อ้ายแก้ว คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม


Scientific Argumentation, Socioscientific Issues Learning, Human and Environmental Sustainability


The purpose of this study was to develop students’ scientific argumentation for students grade 12th by using Socioscitific Issues Learning. Target group were 37 students. Observational protocol was scientific argumentation questionnaires (ASQ), interview logs, and observation logs. The researcher analyzed quantitative data with calculation of the frequencies, standard deviation (S.D.) and percentages. The findings showed that students’ scientific argumentation skills pass level good (6-8 score) in the amount of 15 (40.5 percentage). The components that most students for developed were claims and warrants and the component that fewer students developed were evidence and supportive argument.


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