Higher Education Melayu Music Instruction in Malaysia: A Case Study of Gamelan Music Class in Universiti Sains Malaysia


  • Klen Boonyanant PSRU


Melayu Music, Gamelan Music, Universiti Sains Malaysia


This parallel mixed method research aimed to 1) examine the Gamelan music instruction in Universiti Sains Malaysia 2) survey the student opinion toward the Gamelan music instruction in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Chosen by purposive sampling method in the 2st semester of 2018 academic year, the target groups of this study were Gamelan music Class, 2 Gamelan instructors, and 13 music students of Universiti sains Malaysia. The research tools were observation, interview, and survey of student opinion toward the Gamelan music instruction in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Data collection and data analysis used in this research were content analysis and simple statistics: frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The findings revealed that

1. The Gamelan music instruction in Universiti Sains Malaysia consist of 4 elements: Teacher, Student, Content, and instructions

2. The student opinion toward the Gamelan music instruction in Universiti Sains Malaysia were comprised of general student opinion level


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