Needs assessment for the developing behavioral aspects, Executive functions in early childhood, Phibun Songkhram Rajabhat University Demonstration School
Condition and needs assessment, behavioral behavior in children childhoodAbstract
The present study was aimed at 1) investigating the conditions and needs in avior related to executive functions in preschoolers at Pibulsongkram Rajabh and 2) assessing the needs in developing behavior related to executive functions hoolers at Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University. The target groups were ac early childhood education teachers, and parents, totaling 51 of them altogether, chosen through purposive sampling. The instrument was a 5 rating scale questionnaire with 2 parts. Part 1 was intended to obtain the basic information about the respondents. Part 2 asked about the conditions and needs in developing skills regardilds preschoolers. The statistics used in data analysis included (M), (S), and the prioritization of needs via an improved Priority Needs Index PNIm method.
The findings revealed that
1. The conditions and needs in developing behavior related to executive functions in
preschoolers at Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University in all aspects averaged out to a medium level (M=3.44, S-.80), with averages ordered from the highest to the lowest as follows:
emotional control (M=3.83, S=.87), working remembrance (M=3.72, S=.74), elasticity (M=3.35, S=.83), planning (M=3.18, S=.76), and abstinence (M=3:13, S-.80)
2. The assessment of the needs in developing behavior related to executive functions in preschoolers at Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University revealed that administrators, teachers, and parents would like to develop behavior concerning executive functions in preschoolers. In all aspects, opinions were at the highest level, with PNIm values being ranked in order of importance from high to low as follows: refrainment (PNIm-.50), 2) management planning (PNIm=.50), 3) emotional control (PNIm=.40), and 4) working memory (PNIm=.28)
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