Guidelines for development in Learning Management for the Elderly to Enhance Active Aging: A Case Study of the University of the Third Age (U3A) Nakorn Chiang Rai
Learning Management, The Elderly, Active Aging, The University of the Third Age (U3A)Abstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study conditions the learning management 2) to study opinion towards learning management 3) to study the guidelines for development in learning management of the eldery to enhance active aging (Health, Participation, and Security) of U3A Nakorn Chiang Rai. The populations were the administrators, teachers, learners, and experts, totaling 148. The research instruments were an observation form, an interview form, a questionnaire, self-assessment form and a focus group record form. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results of study were as follow;
- The learning management for the elderly of the U3A Nakorn Chiang Rai were 8 groups with 11 courses. Those courses had the variety of the learning management methods, media and learning resources. Teachers were an expert. Learners will be able to use in their daily life.
- The opinions of learners towards learning management for the elderly appeared at the highest level The mean of the opinions of teachers was also at the highest level
3. The guidelines for development in learning management for the elderly to enhance the active aging. In terms of the curriculum focus on develop life, academic, and career. The basic knowledge of learners should be supported for the ones who lacked of experience and insufficient knowledge. The material and place should be safe, convenient, and suitable for the elderly. The teacher should have the psychology principles and teaching techniques for teaching the elderly.
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