Development Media for Creative Tourism Activities Reflecting the Identity and Cultural Values of Klong Tha Nae, the upstream community in Phatthalung Province


  • Krittayakan Topithak Naresuan University


Media to Promote Tourism, Creative Tourism, Community Identity


This research aimed to 1) study the identity and cultural values of the upstream community of Klong Tha Nae, Phatthalung Province and select creative tourism activities reflecting theidentity and values, 2) design, and 3) evaluate the prototype of media to promote creative tourism activities reflecting the identity and values. The sample was selected purposively, including 1) 32 informants (local wisdom scholars, formal leaders, informal leaders, and representatives from each village) to give important information about the identity and cultural values of the upstream community of Klong Tha Nae, Phatthalung Province, 2) 30 informants (stakeholders and scholars) to give important information about the selection of creative tourism activities that reflect the identity and cultural values of the upstream community of Klong Tha Nae, Phatthalung Province, 3) 8 informants (local wisdom scholars) to give important information about creative tourism activities that reflect the identity and cultural values of the upstream community of Klong Tha Nae, Phatthalung Province, 4) 5 prototype media assessment experts, and 5) 30 tourists. Data were collected through interviews, group process, brainstorming, and a questionnaire and analyzed with an inductive method and statistical methods using means, standard deviations, and the Wilcoxon sign rank test. The findings show that 1) the upstream community of Klong Tha Nae, Phatthalung Province, has its identity and cultural values in the speaking of the southern Thai dialect, eating healthy local food, showing sincere greetings, having kinship relationships, believing in supernatural phenomena, cherishing natural resources, and believing in the effect of the Nora teacher on community life. The selected creative tourism activities reflecting the identities and cultural values of the upstream community of Klong Tha Nae, Phatthalung Province are Kuan Kai Hod viewpoint, Pha Phueng viewpoint, Mat Cha Pla Won cave, Thum Kao cave, Tevada cave, Ruesi cave, and Sai cave.2) The prototype media to promote creative tourism activities that reflect the identity and cultural values of the upstream community of Klong Tha Nae, Phatthalung Province, are the virtual with full AR (Augment Reality) including the map of Khao Pu and and videos used with an HP reveal application. The media have the technical accuracy and practical possibilities between a quite high level and a high level. Furthermore, the level of response to community needs is quite high.3) The prototype media promoting creative tourism activities that reflect the identity and cultural values of the upstream community of Klong Tha Nae, Phatthalung Province are evaluated for their features at a quite high level and for their quality at a quite high level.4) The evaluation results of the features and quality in communication of the media are 3.87 (+0.87) and 3.91 (+O.87), which are significantly higher than the criterion level (3.50) at the statistical significance level of.05.


Author Biography

Krittayakan Topithak, Naresuan University

Krittayakan  Topithak, Ph.D.
School of Evaluation and Research,
Faculty of Education,
Thaksin University
Muang, Songkha
90000 Thailand


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