A Development of Open Approach Learning Activity to Enhance Competence on Mathematical Reasoning for Grade 8 Students


  • ชนกนันท์ จันทร์อร่าม คณะศึกษาศาสตร์




Learning Activity, Open Approach, Mathematical Reasoning


              The purposes of this research were 1) to construct and identify the effectiveness of Open Approach Learning Activity to enhance competence in mathematical reasoning on parallel lines for Grade VIII students with the efficiency of 75/75. 2) to study outcomes of Open Approach Learning Activity to enhance competence in mathematical reasoning on parallel lines for Grade 8 students by 2.1) comparing the competence on mathematical reasoning before and after Learning Activity 2.2) studying the competence on mathematical reasoning 2.3) studying students’ satisfaction towards Learning Activity, the research procedure comprised of 3 steps of research and development were as follow:              

              The first step was constructed and identified the effectiveness of Open Approach Learning Activity to enhance competence on mathematical reasoning on parallel lines for Grade 8 4 units were Parallel Lines and Interior Angles, Parallel Lines and Alternate-interior angles, Parallel Lines, Exterior Angles, and Interior Angles, and Parallel Lines and Triangles, and the inspected its quality by 5 experts to examine the appropriateness of Learning Activity and then tried out with Grade 8 students to examine the appropriateness of language, communication, and time on doing Learning Activity and tried out with 9 Grade 8 students to examine the effectiveness of Learning Activity. The instruments of the research were Open Approach Learning Activity and the evaluation forms using statistics mean (gif.latex?\bar{X} ), standard deviation (S.D.) and E1/E2 for data analysis.              

              The second step was tried out Open Approach Learning Activity to enhance competence in mathematical reasoning on parallel lines for Grade 8 students; the sample group was 32 Grade 8 students in the second semester, the academic year 2017 at Phikrai Witthaya School, drawn through the simple random sampling. Instruments of the research were Open Approach Learning Activity and the evaluation forms. Research design was the "One-group Pretest-Posttest Design." The data were analyzed by mean (gif.latex?\bar{X}), standard deviation (S.D.), difficulty (P), discrimination (D), reliability (R), index of item-objective congruence (IOC), and t-test.The research found as follows:             

              1. the Open Approach Learning Activity to enhance competence in mathematical reasoning on parallel lines for Grade VIII students 4 units, consisting of 4 steps: were Step 1 Open-ended Questioning, Step 2 Self-learning, Step 3 Class Discussion, Step 4 Summary by linking students' ideas. The appropriateness at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.74, S.D. = 0.21), and the effectiveness of E1/E2 = 78.50/79.50             

              2. the results of Open Approach Learning Activity to enhance competence in mathematical reasoning on parallel lines for Grade VIII students as follows:                  

                            2.1   the comparison of the competence on mathematical reasoning after Learning Activity was (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 72.31, S.D. = 10.67) higher than before Learning Activity (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 40.75, S.D. = 9.12) at .01 significance level.                 

                            2.2   the study on the competence on mathematical reasoning found that students could apply their knowledge and experience to help to answer open-ended questions logically step by step.                  

                            2.3   the study on students’ satisfaction towards Learning Activity found that the satisfaction was at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.43, S.D. = 0.18)


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