The Development of Mathematics Learning Achievement of Mathayomsuksa Three Students on System of Equations by Using Learning Management in Cognitively Guided Instruction and Questioning.
Mathematics Learning Achievement, Cognitively Guided Instruction, QuestioningAbstract
The purposes of this research were to study mathematics learning achievement of Mathayomsuksa three students at Chomsurang Upathum School on the system of equations by using cognitively guided instruction and questioning and to study the students’ opinion toward learning through cognitively guided instruction and questioning.The sample group was 47 cognitively guided instruction and questioning in the second semester of the academic year 2017, selected via cluster random sampling from 12 classes, each providing students with a variety of academic abilities. The research instruments were 9 mathematics lesson plans on the system of equations, 10 multiple-choice test items on equations, and 2 essay questions (total score for the two types of test was 30), and a students’ opinion questionnaire toward learning equations with cognitively guided instruction and questioning. The data analysis employed percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-test, and tables and descriptions to present the findings.The research findings revealed that the students’ mathematics achievement was higher after learning with cognitively guided instruction and questioning andwas higher than the expected 60% at the statistical significance level of .05, and that almost all students agreed that the learning activities provided allowed them to think and solve problems systemically, the learning activities were appropriate for the contents, and learning activities with questions could help develop more thinking
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