Diagnostic Test Development by Using Cognitive Diagnostic Model

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พิศิษฐ ตัณฑวณิช



New trend of test construction for diagnosis of students’ strength and weakness was developed. It was named “Cognitive Diagnosis Model.” (CDM). from the past two decades a lot of articles were printed, various mathematical models were proposed. But in Thai academic atmosphere, there were very few articles mentioned this progression, so in this article concepts about CDM were presented, it consisted of Q-matrix idea, various models about CDM which were the DINA Model, the G-DINA Model, the RUM model, and the AHM Model. After that the author presented some ideas about the goodness and some obstructions of CDA. Finally it was suggested that now it was the best opportunity for Thai scholars to take part in the research about this topics for both academic progression and the development of Thai education.

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How to Cite
ตัณฑวณิช พ. (2015). Diagnostic Test Development by Using Cognitive Diagnostic Model. Journal of Graduate Research, 6(2), 1–13. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/banditvijai/article/view/96536
Academic Article


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