Studying Conditions and Needs for Learning Management and Measuring Achievement Using the Educational Platform with Steam Teaching Process Integrated with Project- Based Learning of Network Partners in the Education Sandbox, Songkhla Province

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Chareefah Hutyee


The objectives of this research were to study needs assessment level learning management and measure the achievement using the educational platform with STEAM teaching process integrated with project-based learning of network partners in educational sandbox of Songkhla province. The sample were 300 teachers obtained through simple random sampling method and educational personnel in the alliance network in the educational sandbox, Songkhla Province, obtained by purposive selection. The research instrument were a questionnaire on conditions and needs of learning management and achievement measurement using an educational platform with STEAM teaching process integrated with project-based learning. Quantitative data were analyzed by means and standard deviation, and the determination of the necessary needs by using the Priority Needs Index method with the Modified Priority Needs Index technique. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis, aiming to extract meaning, establish connections between elements, and interpret the data to draw conclusions.
 The results of this research found that Network partners in the education sandbox of Songkhla province has learning management and measuring achievement using the educational platform with STEAM teaching process integrated with project-based learning at a high level. The overall needs of learning management had the overall index (PNImodified= 0.212). Considered according to the level of needs for learning management, it found that Class management had the highest overall index (PNImodified= 0.226) followed by curriculum administration and learning management has a higher overall index (PNImodified= 0.211). and measurement and evaluation had the lowest overall index (PNImodified= 0.198), respectively.


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How to Cite
Hutyee, C. (2023). Studying Conditions and Needs for Learning Management and Measuring Achievement Using the Educational Platform with Steam Teaching Process Integrated with Project- Based Learning of Network Partners in the Education Sandbox, Songkhla Province. Journal of Graduate Research, 14(2), 65–81. retrieved from
Research Article


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