The Development of Learning Activities Based on the Tpack Concept of Graphs and Linear Relationships to Enhance Mathematical Conceptual Understanding of Seventh Grade Students
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop and determine the effectiveness of learning activities based on the TPACK concept on graph and linear relationships to reach efficiency of 75/75, 2) to study levels of the mathematical conceptual understanding on graph and linear relationships of seven grade students, and 3) to study students' satisfaction toward learning activities based on the TPACK concept. The target group consisted of 30 seventh grade students which the purposive sampling method was applied to select. The research instruments were lesson plans and learning activities based on to the TPACK concept in graph and linear relationships, the level of mathematical conceptual understanding’s test, and the satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using percentages, mean, and standard deviations.
The research findings were as follows: 1) The effectiveness of the developed learning activities based on the TPACK concept of graph and linear relationships was 86.56/87.28 which was higher than the 75/75 criteria. 2) After studying with learning activities developed based on the TPACK concept of graphs and linear relationships. Students' math comprehension scores are at the highest action (A) level, followed by process (P) and learning (O), respectively, and 3) The student’s level of satisfaction toward the learning activities based on the TPACK concept in graphs and linear relationships were at the high level (µ = 4.47, σ = 0.78).
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