Integrative Active Learning Model in Volleyball to Enhance the 21st Century Learning of Junior High School Students

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Aekkayos Manasom
Sathin Prachanban
Anan Malarat


The objectives of this research were to explore the needs for integrative active learning, to construct and develop an integrative active learning model, and to experiment and assess the implementation of the integrative active learning model in volleyball to enhance the 21st century learning of junior high school students. The purposive sampling method was applied to select the target groups, which consisted of six physical education teachers, divided into three from Srinakharinwirot University Demonstration School, Prasarnmit (Secondary Division) and three from Piboonbumpen Demonstration School, Burapha University, and 30 junior high school students who enrolled in the second semester in the 2021 academic year at Piboonbumpen Demonstration School, Burapha University. The research instruments comprised a semi-structured interview, an active learning model quality assessment, a volleyball knowledge test, a learning skill volleyball test, and a 21st century learning skills test. The content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data and the quantitative data were analyzed for mean, interquartile range, and the absolute value of the difference between the median and the nominal. The paired sample t-test was utilized to test the research hypotheses.

The research found that 1) the needs for integrative active learning management consisted of the following aspects. For objective accomplishments, there was a need to develop basic movement skills and physical fitness. For learning management process, there should be flexibility and diverse instructional integration. For contents in learning management, theories should be learned in conjunction with practices. For instructional media and equipment, they must be adequate and suitable for online learning situations. For the instructional time, it should be more than one hour per week. For measurement and evaluation, they should be factual and cover all five skills. 2) The integrative active learning model for volleyball was composed of eight active learning management plans and each plan comprised seven steps, which included self-study, capability assessment, cooperative grouping, practice, creativity with group work, presentation, and collective knowledge summary. Accuracy, propriety, and feasibility of the model were assessed to be suitable. 3) The mean scores on volleyball knowledge and on a learning skill in volleyball of the students after learning via the model were significantly higher at the .05 level, and those on the 21st century learning skills were higher than the predetermined criteria.

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How to Cite
Manasom, A., Prachanban, S. ., & Malarat, A. . (2022). Integrative Active Learning Model in Volleyball to Enhance the 21st Century Learning of Junior High School Students. Journal of Graduate Research, 13(2), 117–131. retrieved from
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