A Strategy to Enhance Learners’ English Grammar Learning Skill Through Form-Focused Instruction

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Patcharin Duangsri


This paper aimed to propose a strategy to enhance learners’ English grammar learning skill through Form-focused instruction (FFI) with the use of self-assessment under the theoretical concept of Noticing Hypothesis. The learners’ awareness of language and grammatical forms of English was raised by the teacher using FFI to draw their attention to the targeted language and grammatical forms. The attention helped direct the learners to notice the language and grammatical forms in the language input. The noticed language information was then passed on to the short-term memory and when it was reviewed or used repeatedly by the activities designed to encourage the learners’ noticing, the information was transferred further to be stored in the long-term memory waiting for retrieval when English communication opportunity arose. In addition, training the learners to have experiences and skill of self-assessment in order to correct their own work or tasks, at least two times, according to the established rubrics, together with the feedback obtained from the self-assessments enabled the learners to utilize the knowledge for developing their self-learning skill and constantly enhancing their own English grammar learning skill.

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How to Cite
Duangsri, P. (2022). A Strategy to Enhance Learners’ English Grammar Learning Skill Through Form-Focused Instruction. Journal of Graduate Research, 13(2), 13–27. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/banditvijai/article/view/254525
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