Curriculum Development for English Reading and Writing Skills ‎Enhancement Using Content-‎Based Instruction Approach with Local Issues for Graduate Students in Faculty of Education

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Siam Chutima
Somkiart Intasingh
Nitida Adipattaranan
Sunee Nguenyuang


This research aimed to develop and study the results of implementing the English reading and writing skills curriculum enhancement using Content-based Instruction with local issues for graduate students in Faculty of Education. The sample groups consisted of 1) five experts who were chosen by purposive sampling for evaluating curriculum quality, and 2) 13 Master's students in the field of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning Technology who voluntarily participated in the study. The research instruments included curriculum quality evaluation form, English reading skill tests, and English writing skill tests. The data were statistically analyzed for mean, percentage, and standard deviation.

It was found that 1) the English skills curriculum enhancement emphasized reading and writing skills using content-based instruction and local issues for graduate students in Faculty of Education consisted of six elements: curriculum principles, curriculum objectives, curriculum strand, learning activities, learning media, and learning evaluation. The overall quality of curriculum was at a high level, and 2) After the implementation of the lessons, the graduate students had overall average scores of English reading skill at 73.16 percent and English writing skill at 63.03 percent, passing the 60 percentage criteria.

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How to Cite
Chutima, S. ., Intasingh, S. ., Adipattaranan, N. ., & Nguenyuang, S. . (2022). Curriculum Development for English Reading and Writing Skills ‎Enhancement Using Content-‎Based Instruction Approach with Local Issues for Graduate Students in Faculty of Education. Journal of Graduate Research, 13(1), 91–105. Retrieved from
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