Co-production in Education Management of Partnership Schools: A Case Study of the Primary Schools in Rayong Province

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piyakorn whangmahaporn


The purpose of this research was to study the co-production process in the educational management of the partnership schools: a case study of primary schools in Rayong Province. This study was undertaken by qualitative methods. The key informants obtained by purposive sampling were schools administrators, teachers, local administrative, organizations representative, private agency, non-governmental organization and parents of students involving in education management in the partnership schools. The research tool was semi-structured interview. The data were collected from document analysis and interviews, analyzed by content analysis.

The results showed that partnership schools provided education in a co-production manner; 1) co-planning by sponsors to participate in personnel management, academic administration, learning management, budget management and general administration; 2) co-design activities, sponsors and schools worked together to design curriculum and learning activities to meet the needs of the community; 3) co-delivery, schools were primarily responsible for managing education and supporters act to support the operation to be more efficient; and 4) co-evaluation, supporters participated in monitoring and evaluating the results of the development plan and action plans of educational institutions at both the project level and the educational institution level and periodically visit the school for follow-up during schools operations.

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How to Cite
whangmahaporn, piyakorn. (2022). Co-production in Education Management of Partnership Schools: A Case Study of the Primary Schools in Rayong Province. Journal of Graduate Research, 13(2), 45–56. Retrieved from
Research Article


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