The Construction of a Performance Test Entitled “The Rate of Chemical Reaction” Science and Technology Learning Strand for Grade 11 Students
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The objective of this research were to construct and find out the quality of a performance test entitled “the rate of chemical reaction” for grade 11 students. One hundred seventeen secondary students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Buriram on semester 1/2020 were randomly selected to be the samples. The multistage random sampling technique was utilized. Research instrument was a performance test entitled “the rate of chemical reaction” for grade 11 students. The statistical analyses used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, content validity, discrimination value, reliability value of the performance test, reliability value of two examiners using Pearson's correlation coefficient formula, and discriminant validity based on the known group comparison method using independent samples t-test.
The results revealed that a 15-item performance test entitled “the rate of chemical reaction” for grade 11 students was a three level of observations evaluation form and four observation steps: preparation step, performance step, task step and habit process step. Criteria for assessing practical skills divided into 3 levels. The reliability value of the two examiners was at 0.88. The discriminant validity between smart students and weak students with statistical significance at level .05. In addition, the error value of measurement was at 1.10.
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