The Effects of Using the Macro Model Guidance Activities Package to Promote a Desirable Characteristic of Inquisitiveness of Mathayom Suksa 4 Students at Mueang Krabi School in Krabi Province

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Chutima Nuichit
Jirasuk Suksawat
Nitipat Mekkhachorn


The objectives of this research were to compare desirable characteristics of inquisitiveness of the experimental group before and after implementing the MACRO model guidance activities package, and to compare desirable characteristics of inquisitiveness of the experimental group who learned with the MACRO model guidance activities package and those of the control group who learned with the traditional guidance activities package. The cluster sampling method was applied to select 70 Mathayom Suksa 4 students at Mueang Krabi School in Krabi province and the simple random sampling method was utilized to divided the students into the experimental and control groups of equal numbers. The research instruments consisted of the MACRO model guidance activities package to promote desirable characteristics of inquisitiveness, a traditional guidance activities package, and a scale to assess desirable characteristic of inquisitiveness, with its reliability of .91. The data were statistically analyzed for mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test and independent t-test.

The research results revealed that the posttest mean scores of the experimental group were statistically higher than their pre-test mean scores at the significance level of .05. The mean scores on the desirable characteristics of the experimental group were statistically higher than those of the control group at the significance level of .05.

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How to Cite
Nuichit, C. ., Suksawat, J. ., & Mekkhachorn, N. . (2020). The Effects of Using the Macro Model Guidance Activities Package to Promote a Desirable Characteristic of Inquisitiveness of Mathayom Suksa 4 Students at Mueang Krabi School in Krabi Province. Journal of Graduate Research, 11(1), 69–80. Retrieved from
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