Behavior of Undergraduate Students Towards Renting Accommondations in Mueang Chiang Mai District
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The objective of this quantitative research was to investigate behavior of undergraduate students towards renting accommodations in Mueang Chiang Mai District, using the questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The quota sampling method was used to select 430 undergraduate students who were studying in 3 public universities and 2 private universities in Mueang Chiang Mai District. Descriptive statistics consisted of frequency, percentage and mean. Inferential statistics which was One-Way ANOVA was employed to analyze the difference of behavior towards renting accommodations of the sample group.
The findings showed that most respondents lived alone at the accommodation. They rented dormitories outside their universities. The reasons for renting their accommodations were that the location was close to their universities and it was convenient to commute. Most respondents made decision to rent their accommodations by themselves after inspecting the places for one week before the start of the semester. They searched information about the accommodations by associates’ recommendations. Besides, the respondents who studied at different institutions gave priority to the Service Marketing Mix of accommodations on the elements of Price, Process and Physical Evidence differently. The respondents who rented accommodation at different rental rates gave priority to the elements of Product and Physical Evidence differently.
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