Results of Integrating Academic Services with Instruction and Research in the Ci 3508 Course: A Case of “Moderate Class, More Knowledge” Activity Development Based on Local Wisdom and Learning Resources

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ยุพิน อินทะยะ


The objective of this research was to examine the results of the integration of academic services with instruction and research: A case of “the moderate class, more knowledge” activity development based on local wisdom and learning resources. The research methodology was conducted in three dimensions. The first dimension was to explore knowledge and understanding about “the moderate class, more knowledge” activities. The second dimension was to investigate the results of the activity designs. The third dimension was to examine the satisfaction of the participating teachers, students and pupils with the implementation of the activities. The purposive sampling method was applied to select the sample group, consisting of 35 third-year-Elementary Education-major students studying in the first semester of the 2016 academic year, 30 teachers and 431 pupils. They were from three schools volunteering to participate in this research project. They included ten teachers and 181 pupils from Sueksa Songkhro Chiang Mai School, ten teachers and 87 pupils from Wat Khuang Sing School, and ten teachers and 163 pupils from Ban Pong Noi School. The research instruments consisted of the activity implementation manual, the knowledge test on implementing the activities, and the assessment on the activity designs of the students. The data were analyzed for frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The research results revealed that the overall knowledge and understanding about the activity implementation of the students was at a very high level, with the percentage points of 87, which were higher than the pre-determined criterion of 70%. The overall quality of the activity designs of the students was at a very high level, with the mean ( ) = 4.49. The satisfaction of the teachers with the implementation of the activities was positive. Their satisfaction with the highest frequency was that the activities were fun and suitable for the ages of learners and the pupils were happy to learn from them. The overall satisfaction of the students and pupils with the activities was at the highest level (  =4.50 and 4.53).

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How to Cite
อินทะยะ ย. (2019). Results of Integrating Academic Services with Instruction and Research in the Ci 3508 Course: A Case of “Moderate Class, More Knowledge” Activity Development Based on Local Wisdom and Learning Resources. Journal of Graduate Research, 10(2), 131–152. Retrieved from
Research Article


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