Motivation Factors Affecting Work Efficiency of Thai Employees in the Automotive Plastic Parts Industry, WHA Eastern Seaboard 1 Industrial Estate Rayong Province
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The objective of this research were 1) To study the level of work efficiency of employees 2) To study the motivation and maintenance factors that affecting work efficiency of employees. The sample of this research were 367 employees by using questionnaires as a tool to collect data in the automotive plastic parts industry at WHA Eastern Seaboard 1 Industrial Estate Rayong province. The statistics of data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. The results of this research showed that 1) The overall work efficiency level of employees was the highest level ( = 4.45 , S.D.= 0.47) 2) The motivation factors were job characteristics (β = 0.28) the training (β = 0.22) the progress opportunities (β = 0.17) and the maintenance factors were salary and welfare (β = 0.23) the relationship with colleague (β = 0.20) the working environment (β = 0.15) the relationship with supervisor (β = 0.13) and the policy and administration (β = 0.10) found that there were a significant in the affecting work efficiency of employees at the level of 0.05.
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