The An Action Research on a Stem Education Learning with an Engineering Design Process in Conjunction with Local Wisdom for Lower Secondary School Students
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This action research aimed to study the learning management by using a STEM education framework with a 6-steps engineering design process in conjunction with local wisdom for teaching the “Natural Cotton Dyeing” for 31 Matthayomsuksa I students, in the 2nd semester of the 2017 academic year at one of an expansion opportunity school in Muang District, Chiangmai province. The random technique was used to select the sample group. The research instruments were three STEM education lesson plans with a total of 12 hours, which were composed of activity worksheets, knowledge worksheets, post teaching notes and product assessment forms. The statistic values used were mean and standard deviation values and data analysis with data triangulation method.
The research findings showed the STEM activity learning process in conjunction with local wisdom by using 6 steps of learning, step I included problem setting ability where student should be motivated to pay attention to local wisdom. Step II was data collection with a focus on team work. Step III was engineering design process with a focus on problem solving skills and team work. Step IV was planning and problem solving with a focus on practice and active learning activity. Step V was testing and evaluation with a focus on students’ work and their comments and ideas. Step VI was problem solving presentation where students were involved in presenting their problem-solving methods.
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