The Development of Student Screening Program of Phrao Wittayakom School, Chiang Mai Province
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This action research was conducted to construct a student screening program and to examine users’ satisfaction with using the program at Phraowittayakom school, Chiang Mai province. This research was based on three steps of the Deming Cycle. Step 1 dealt with the construction of Phrao screening program; Step 2 was concerned with the making of a handbook for the program, and Step 3 involved the study of users’ satisfaction with the program. As for the research instruments, the innovation tools, consisted of the Phrao screening program and the handbook for its application, and the operational feedback tool was a questionnaire. The participants were 39 homeroom teachers. The data were analyzed for mean and standard deviation. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
Regrading the construction of “Phrao screening program”, the participants’ overall satisfaction with the program was at the highest level ( = 4.73) on the user-friendliness of data management (
= 4.97), while their least satisfaction was on the suitability of the font and picture color (
= 4.56). As for the development of “the handbook for Phrao screening program”, it was found that the participants’ overall satisfaction with the handbook was at the highest level (
=4.57) on the purposes of the program and the user-friendly procedural steps of the program (
= 4.72). However, the teachers had the least satisfaction with the suitability of the font size (
= 4.36)
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