Development of Self-Directed Learning Media to Promote Refusal Skills in School Age Children

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วีระชัย เขื่อนแก้ว
ศรีประไพ อินทร์ชัยเทพ
ชมพูนุท แสงวิจิตร
จิตอารี ชาติมนตรี


This research and development aimed to develop the self-directed learning media for school age children to promote their refusal skills and to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning media. The sample group consisted of 89 primary and secondary school students in Muang District, Lampang Province, derived by using the multistage stage random sampling method. The research instruments include 2 the self-directed learning media on "How to keep away from drugs?" and a refusal skill assessment form. The instruments were tested for their content validity and reliability, the Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.72. The data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics for mean, standard deviation, paired t-test and content analysis.

The result of this research were as follows:

  1. The self-directed learning media for school children is a popup comic book about teenagers who are at risk of drug abuse. The content consists of factors related to drug use, drug harm, drug addiction, refusal skills, hotlines and drug treatment facilities, and refusal skill assessment form for various situations. The quality of the learning media found that the utility and propriety were appropriate at the highest level. The feasibility and accuracy were appropriate at a high level.

  2. The comparison of the mean scores before and after implementing the learning media shows that the mean scores on refusal skill after implementing the learning media were significantly higher than those before using the learning media at 0.05 level.

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เขื่อนแก้ว ว., อินทร์ชัยเทพ ศ., แสงวิจิตร ช., & ชาติมนตรี จ. (2018). Development of Self-Directed Learning Media to Promote Refusal Skills in School Age Children. Journal of Graduate Research, 9(2), 101–111. retrieved from
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