Perceptions of Retailers' Brand Image and Private Lable Strategy Affecting Customers' Willingness to Buy

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ฉัตรมงคล ชื่นธีระวงศ์
วรัท วินิจ
เอก บุญเจือ


This quasi-experimental research aims to investigate the customers’ willingness to buy
which can be varied, depending upon the perceptions of retailers’ brand image and private label strategy of the retailers. Results indicated that different levels of perceived retailers’ brand image and private label could lead to different levels of customers’ willingness to buy. Moreover, interaction effects between perceived retailers’ brand image and private label strategy were found. That is, the strategy which best fostered the customers’ willingness to buy was a retailer that has strong brand image together with the use of original, non-imitative private label strategy. On the other hand, the retailer that is perceived as having low brand image should use the imitative private label strategy to enhance customers’ willingness to buy.

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How to Cite
ชื่นธีระวงศ์ ฉ., วินิจ ว., & บุญเจือ เ. (2018). Perceptions of Retailers’ Brand Image and Private Lable Strategy Affecting Customers’ Willingness to Buy. Journal of Graduate Research, 9(2), 183–200. Retrieved from
Research Article


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