Promoting Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Scientific and Engineering Practices for the Students in Mattayomsuksa 6 with Inquiry-Based Stem Learning Module on Nanoscience
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The revision of science learning to promote scientific understanding and the integration of science and engineering practices is a key challenge in this century education. As such, this study aimed to examine conceptual understanding and scientific and engineering practices through inquiry-based STEM learning module on nanoscience for twelfth graders. In this study, two learning units, i.e. self-cleaning surface and super insulator, were developed. A hand-on computer-based inquiry laboratory was employed as a learning tool to facilitate integrated STEM learning process. A total of 22 twelve graders from a public secondary education school were recruited in this study. They were administered a conceptual test on the nanoscience phenomena and a practical test of science and engineering practices at both before and after the implementation of the module. The dependent t-test was applied to compare the pre-test and post-test scores for both measured variables. The result indicated that the post-test scores of conceptual understanding on nanoscience and their scientific and engineering practices were significantly higher than the pre-test scores at p-value less than .01. This implied that the inquiry-based STEM learning module could be an effective instructional intervention for promoting both conceptual understanding and science and engineering practices for Thai high school students.
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