The Brand Development of Hmong Product and Hmong Cost Accounting

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วาริพิณ มงคลสมัย
มานพ ชุ่มอุ่น


This Participatory Action Research (PAR) aimed to develop a brand of Hmong product and to develop an accounting system that captured the cost accounting. The participants were Hmong in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Data collection method was community forum, field record, and focus group. Interview forms were used as the research instrument. The results showed the participants named their product as “Doi Pha Klong”. One of the reasons behind the brand was that the Doi Pha Klong has been a popular mountain in Mae Sa Mai Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai.  The account of the Hmong was separated cost account from other expenses. The developed Hmong account from the research is the cost accounting that includes the revenue cost, other expenses and cash balance.

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How to Cite
มงคลสมัย ว., & ชุ่มอุ่น ม. (2018). The Brand Development of Hmong Product and Hmong Cost Accounting. Journal of Graduate Research, 9(2), 201–214. Retrieved from
Research Article


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