The Integration of Educational Management for Locality to Solve Air Pollution Problems for Community: Muangkaen Pattana Municipality Chiangmai Province

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พัฒนา บุญญประภา
สุรศักดิ์ นุ่มมีศรี
สมศักดิ์ บุญแจ้ง


This research entitled of the integration of educational management for locality to solve air pollution problems from community: Muangkaen Pattana municipality, Chiangmai province. The main objective was to study the patterns in the integration of educational management for locality management to solve air pollution problems. This research is the participatory action research according (PAR). The population of this study consists of 102 households of Chorlae community, 26 students who enrolled the courses of research in environmental science, students from 4 schools in Muangkaen Pattana municipality. The sample of this study was purposive sampling, which are 50 households in Chorlae community who are related with agriculture and have issues of biomass, 26 students who enrolled the courses of research in environmental science, students from 2 schools in Muangkaen Pattana municipality, Chorlae school and Baan Nongorn school.

The result showed that, The patterns in the integration of educational management for locality to solve air pollution problems consist of 4 steps; the first one was the paradigm adjustment of students and people to the community. The second step was the air pollution problems study based on biomass in a community. The third step was the alternative model in solving the air pollution problems which was designed by the local people and the students in air pollution solving technology, which solved air pollution by less complex technology, raised the understanding and the knowledge of an air pollution problem and used agricultural biomass to produce the alternative energy. The fourth step was the operating of the integration such as air pollution problems treatment using integration of educational management for locality with students in the courses of research in environmental science, integration of educational management for locality with students of the school in learning area of occupations and technology, and new theory of agriculture courses and integration of educational management for locality with people in the community by organization learning center to take advantage of biomass transform into the renewable energy for using in mushroom production process of community.

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How to Cite
บุญญประภา พ., นุ่มมีศรี ส., & บุญแจ้ง ส. (2017). The Integration of Educational Management for Locality to Solve Air Pollution Problems for Community: Muangkaen Pattana Municipality Chiangmai Province. Journal of Graduate Research, 8(2), 51–66. Retrieved from
Research Article


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