The Direction of Producing the Graduates in Special Education Program Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
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This research aims 1) to investigate the opinion about the special education curriculum and 2) to study future directions of producing graduates in special education program. Focus group discussion was employed in this study by using the interview protocol to 25 stakeholders. Those stakeholders were divided into 3 groups: 9 employers, 8 graduates, and 8 related agencies. The content analysis was used to analyze the data.
The results reveal that 1) special education curriculum is a unique science in assisting children with special needs and parents. The graduates have good personality and relationship as well as understanding others. However, there are some points to consider in enhancing the practical skills and increasing the knowledge about inclusive education. The graduates in special education are in need in the labor market. They can either be state teachers or work as freelancers or in the private sector. 2. The future directions of producing the graduates in special education program should include the curriculum incorporating learning in the 21st century, Thailand 4.0, and English skills. The MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) was suggested for training and employment. Specialists should be consulted for information and needs in offering dual degrees in order to develop some integrated subjects between the two degrees to indicate production strengths and quality of curriculum development.
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