The Correlation Between Intelligence Quotient, Emotion Quotient and Education Achievement of Undergraduate Student, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangmai

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ปาริชาติ บัวเจริญ
นพรัตน์ เตชะพันธ์รัตนกุล
รัตนากาล คำสอน


The research has emphasized the relationship, The structural model of intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and educational achievement of 480 undergraduate students, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. The purposes of this research were 1) To study The structural model of intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and educational achievement 2) To study The relationship among intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and educational achievement. The random sample for this research consisted of 480 undergraduate students, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. The data obtaining from The testing of Intelligence quotient and emotional quotient having reliability between 0.67-0.91 and consisted of 24 observed variables. Data analysis were descriptive statistic, one-way anova, Peason’s product moment correlation and multiple regression.

The major results were as following:

  1. Undergraduate students, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna have intelligence quotient average score between 56.821 and 536 and emotional quotient average score between 63.605 and 136.785. The fourth year students or above have more average intelligence quotient and emotional quotient score than the first year, the second year the third year students statistically significant at 0.01

All 23 latent variables of intelligence quotient and emotional quotient observed variables accounted for 15.1% of variance in GPAX.

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How to Cite
บัวเจริญ ป., เตชะพันธ์รัตนกุล น., & คำสอน ร. (2017). The Correlation Between Intelligence Quotient, Emotion Quotient and Education Achievement of Undergraduate Student, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangmai. Journal of Graduate Research, 8(2), 101–117. retrieved from
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