The Moderating Role of E-Marketplace on the Relationship Between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Performance Evaluation of Online Business Entrepreneurs in Thailand


  • Platt Pangthong Department of Management Science, Lampang Rajabhat University, Lampang, Thailand
  • Boonthawan Wingwon Faculty of Management Science, Lampang Rajabhat University
  • Paothai Vonglao Faculty of Sciences, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


Role of e-Marketplace, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Online Business Entrepreneurs, Service Innovation, Performance Evaluation


The objectives of this research were: (1) to study the importance of corporate entrepreneurship, service innovation, E-Marketplace, and performance evaluation, (2) to study the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship, and service innovation towards performance evaluation, and (3) to study the moderating role of E-Marketplace on the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and performance evaluation of online business entrepreneurs in Thailand. The sample group consisted of 600 entrepreneurs, who have been conducting online businesses over one year of experience. The research tool was a questionnaire set. The period of data collection during October 2021, by using Google form, e-mail, Line, and Messenger. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation; and Inferential statistics consisted of the structural equations analysis with LISREL and Path analysis. The findings indicated that all factors had a high mean value (x̄ =3.87), which consisted of E-Marketplace (x̄= 3.92), service innovation (x̄ =3.89), performance evaluation (x̄ =3.88), and corporate entrepreneurship (x̄ =3.79), respectively. In addition, service innovation has the strongest relationship with performance evaluation (r= 0.753), followed by E-marketplaces (r= 0.705), corporate entrepreneurship also had a positive relationship with performance evaluation (r= 0.474), respectively. Moreover, the moderating role of E-Marketplace affected the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and performance evaluation (effect= -0.1826, t=-4.554). It can be indicated that entrepreneurs, who hold a significant role in the E-marketplace and rely solely on it will face with the decreasing performance evaluation. The recommendation for the business owners, they should not be solely dependent on the e-commerce marketplace in order to decrease the risk of their businesses in the future.


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How to Cite

Pangthong, P., Wingwon, B. ., & Vonglao, P. . (2024). The Moderating Role of E-Marketplace on the Relationship Between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Performance Evaluation of Online Business Entrepreneurs in Thailand. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 13(1), 48–66. retrieved from



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