Does Effective CSR Communication Influence WoM Intention among Younger Generations in Beauty and Personal Care Products?: The Mediating Effects of Skepticism and Brand Authenticity


  • Lokweetpun Suprawan Mahidol University International College


CSR Communication, Skepticism, Brand Authenticity, Word-of-Mouth Intention


With the crisis of the pandemic, many industries are affected and the beauty and personal care product sector is no exception. Even during this situation, many companies continue communicating about their involvement in CSR activities. Therefore, this study aims to investigate CSR communication and CSR-CA beliefs on various effects including CSR skepticism, brand authenticity, and word-of-mouth intention from younger generations regarding the message from beauty and personal care product companies.   Samples of 250 were collected and examined all hypothesized relationships using structural equation modeling.  It was found that CSR communication and CSR-CA beliefs have significant direct effects on CSR skepticism and brand authenticity.  As for the mediating role, brand authenticity was found to have an indirect effect on the relationship between CSR communication and word-of-mouth intention, whereas the mediating role of CSR skepticism was not found.


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How to Cite

Suprawan, L. (2022). Does Effective CSR Communication Influence WoM Intention among Younger Generations in Beauty and Personal Care Products?: The Mediating Effects of Skepticism and Brand Authenticity. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 11(1), 139–158. retrieved from



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