Creative Tourism Management in the Ceramic Village, Tambon Tha Pha, Ko Kha District, Lampang Province


  • Napawan Netpradit Faculty of Management Sciences, Lampang Rajabhat University


Management Potential, Satisfaction, Creative Tourism Management


The objectives of the research were: 1) to study factors of leadership, participation, perception, and potential of creative tourism management; factors of tourism element, the standard of creative tourism, service quality; and satisfaction of tourists toward creative tourism 2) to study the creative tourism management model and 3) to propose an appropriate guideline in order to manage the creative tourism of ceramic village. This research was mixed methods research design. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of 2 sets of questions to gather information from respondents. The samples were 240 people of ceramic village and 360 tourists, who visited the ceramic village. The quantitative research was the descriptive statistics consisted of mean and standard deviation and the inferential statistics consisted of one sample t-test and Structural Equation Modeling. The qualitative research was a focus group discussion. The key informants were 10 ceramic village committees. The data were analyzed by using content analysis.

The results of the research found that 1) the factors of leadership, perception, and the potential of management were at a high level, while the participation factor was at moderate level and the factors of tourism element, the standard of creative tourism, and service quality as well as satisfaction of tourists were at a high level 2) the creative tourism management model in ceramic village and satisfaction of tourists were fit to the empirical data and 3) the appropriate guideline in order to manage the creative tourism of ceramic village consisted of the potential for tourism management aspect in terms of leadership and satisfaction of tourists aspect in terms of tourism activities and being community service providers to crate the tourists’ experiences and impress. This study will be useful for driving the guideline to promote the creative tourism management of ceramic village.


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How to Cite

Netpradit, N. (2021). Creative Tourism Management in the Ceramic Village, Tambon Tha Pha, Ko Kha District, Lampang Province. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 10(2), 112–131. retrieved from



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