Influence of Entrepreneurial Alertness and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention


  • Teeradej Puapradit Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics, Assumption University of Thailand
  • Nucharee Supatn Assumption University


Entrepreneurial Alertness, Self-Efficacy, Risk-Taking Behavior, Work Effort, Entrepreneurial Intention


Entrepreneurs have a substantial role in developing business and driving economics. Understanding
human factors that influence the intention of the potential entrepreneurs to develop a business would
be beneficial for the educators and stakeholders to design the courses that enhance the entrepreneurial
readiness for those potential entrepreneurs. This research aimed to investigate and clarify the relationship
among three human factors - entrepreneurial alertness, self-efficacy, risk-taking and entrepreneurial intention. Work effort was appointed as a mediator that intervene the relationship between the aforementioned human factors and entrepreneurial intention. Senior standing undergraduate students were targeted to be the population in this study since they are in the transition period from the education to the work force. They have to make decision to find a job in a business firm, to work for their family businesses (if any) or to develop their own business or even to pursue for the further education. Questionnaire survey was
designed. Four hundred seventy-six sets of data were used in the data analysis. Structural equation modeling
was conducted. Three important findings were obtained. First, entrepreneurial alertness and self-efficacy
positively affected work effort. Second, entrepreneurial alertness and risk-taking directly affected entrepreneurial intention while self-efficacy indirectly affected entrepreneurial intention via work effort. Third, work effort was positively related to entrepreneurial intention. Regarding the research findings, educational institutes can take an active role on developing and enhancing students’ latent entrepreneurial potential and intention by designing the study programs and courses to promote and enhance entrepreneurial alertness and self-efficacy of the student. In addition, the practical skills to control of the risk aversion and risk taking behavior should, also, be embedded.


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How to Cite

Puapradit, T., & Supatn, N. . (2021). Influence of Entrepreneurial Alertness and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 10(1), 214–229. Retrieved from



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