Social Media Engagement as a Predictor of Luxury Purchasing Intention, the Mediator Effect of Consumer Perceived Luxury Value and the Moderator Effect of In-store Experiences


  • Jaruporn Tangpattanakit Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus


Social Media, Engagement, Perceived Luxury Value, Consumer Behavior


Brand social media also been an essential way of socializing the company's marketing, posing a modern challenge for businesses to retain consumers and create value. Focused on hypotheses such as customer engagement, value co-creation, experiential marketing, and consumer behavior. The research explores the mediation effect of value for luxury consumption and the moderating role of in-store experience in the relationship between social network engagement and buying intention for luxury goods. The data obtained was 534 valid questionnaires from young Thai customers. Process Macro and SPSS program were employed to analyze the complex hypotheses. Empirical studies suggest that luxury consumption values have an indirect impact on the connection between social network interaction and purchasing activity, as well as the relationship between experiential value and shopping behavior has been enhanced by in-store interactions.


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How to Cite

Tangpattanakit, J. (2021). Social Media Engagement as a Predictor of Luxury Purchasing Intention, the Mediator Effect of Consumer Perceived Luxury Value and the Moderator Effect of In-store Experiences. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 10(2), 93–111. Retrieved from



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