Guideline for Value Added Construction Waste to Maximize Benefit of Thai Industry


  • Nuttaporn Permsub Faculty of Business Administration, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Pairat Pornpundejwittaya Faculty of Business Administration, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok


Knowledge management, Information management, Material management, Innovation management, Marketing management


The amount of construction waste increases dramatically and lacks of appropriate management causing
it to be waste and unprofitable of ecosystem. This study aims to develop structural equation modeling
of guidelines for value-added construction waste to maximize benefit of Thai industry. This research by analyzing
data of 500 samples including civil engineers who engaged in construction and member of the council of engineers
in Thailand. According to the data analysis, it was found that the structural equation modeling of guidelines
for value-added construction waste to maximize benefit of Thai industry consists of 5 components, including
1) knowledge management, 2) information management, 3) material management, 4) innovation management
and 5) marketing management.
According to model fit analysis of structural equation modeling, it was found that Chi-Square = 0.053,
CMIN (X 2/df) = 1.165, GFI = 0.959, and RMSEA = 0.018. The hypotheses testing that knowledge management
had positive direct effect on information management and innovation management, information management
had positive direct effect on material management and innovation management had positive direct effect
on material management and marketing management. The statistical significance level at 0.05. This study
will be useful for policy of the pollution control department of the ministry of natural resources and
environment that can be able to waste management to benefit for ecosystem.




How to Cite

Permsub, N. ., & Pornpundejwittaya, P. . (2020). Guideline for Value Added Construction Waste to Maximize Benefit of Thai Industry. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 9(2), 31–45. retrieved from



Research Articles