The Causal Relationship between Customer Experience Management, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Word-of-Mouth in Online Retailing


  • Salilathip Thippayakraisorn Faculty of Logistics and Transportation Management Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Customer Experience Management, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Word-of-Mouth, Online Retailing


The purpose of this study was to investigate positive impacts of customer experience management on customer satisfaction loyalty and word of mouth in Online Retailing. The researcher employed a quantitative design to conduct confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on customer experience management and structural equation modeling (SEM) on the conceptual framework. The samples included 400 residents in Bangkok Metropolitan and its vicinity with online shopping experiences through the online sales channels of CP All Public Company Limited, which were obtained through a convenience selection as questionnaires were distributed in front of the 7-Eleven stores across the area. The data were then analyzed with a software package for structural equation modeling. Results revealed that the causal relationship through the structural equation model provides a model is a good fit to the empirical data. Furthermore, the test of hypothesis of the structural equation model indicated that customer experience management contributed positive impacts on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and word of mouth; customer satisfaction created positive impacts on loyalty and word of mouth; and loyalty generated positive impacts on word of mouth, as the model is a good fit to the empirical data.


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How to Cite

Thippayakraisorn, S. (2021). The Causal Relationship between Customer Experience Management, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Word-of-Mouth in Online Retailing. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 10(1), 198–213. Retrieved from



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