Influence of Work Expectation on Organizational Identification and Job Selection of Generation Y


  • Nucharee Supatn Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics, Assumption University


This research aimed to study the mediating effect of the organizational identification on
the relationship between the expectation of Generation Y on the job characteristics, supervisory
support, employer obligations, organizational structure and job selection. Questionnaire survey
with 402 Generation Y people who were visiting the job fairs was conducted. Content validity of
the measurements was verified by the three experts while the analysis of Cronbach's Alpha
Coefficient was performed to ensure the reliability of the measurements. Structural equation modeling
was performed to analyze data. The results indicated that job characteristics and supervisory
support had indirect influences on job selection while the expectation on organizational structure
had both direct and indirect influences on job selection via organizational identification. The
highlight of the study was on the mediating role of the organizational identification on the career
expectations of Generation Y and their job selection. The findings indicated that Generation Y people
do not select the jobs that are fun, exciting, fitting with their life-styles nor having open-minded
and understanding managers. The job characteristics and managerial styles could influence the
organization identification but the job selection is based largely on organizational identification
and the expectation on the organizational structure.


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How to Cite

Supatn, N. . (2020). Influence of Work Expectation on Organizational Identification and Job Selection of Generation Y. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 9(1), 83–99. retrieved from



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