The Development of Perception-Based Model for Customer Loyalty in Modern Convenience Store Brand in Bangkok


  • สุรัชดา เชิดบุญเมือง Faculty of Business Administration, Rangsit University
  • สุมาลี สว่าง Faculty of Business Administration, Rangsit University


Modern Convenience Store, Customer Loyalty, Senior People


This research aimed to study the perception-based model of aging with upper 55 years
old in branding of the modern convenience store in Bangkok. The quantitative method was used
to analyze the influences of a perceived advertising and sales promotion, perceived reputation,
perceived commercial store image, perceived price image, perceived store brand quality and store
brand awareness. A survey questionnaire was designed to collect data from 400 aging people whose
age were over 55 years old. Multiple Regression Analysis was applied as the major data analysis
The findings indicated that perceived store brand quality provided highest influence on
customer loyalty followed by perceived price image and perceived commercial store image,
respectively. The perceived reputation showed as a contradiction resulted.




How to Cite

เชิดบุญเมือง ส., & สว่าง ส. (2018). The Development of Perception-Based Model for Customer Loyalty in Modern Convenience Store Brand in Bangkok. Journal of Business Administration The Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand, 7(พิเศษ), 57–72. retrieved from