การพัฒนาโปรแกรมเสริมสร้างทักษะชีวิตของนักเรียนด้านการคิดวิเคราะห์ ตัดสินใจ และแก้ปัญหาอย่างสร้างสรรค์ในสถานศึกษาสังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษามัธยมศึกษาเขต 23

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จุฬาลักษณ์ ไชยจันทร์


This research aims to 1) study the elements life skills of students in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving 2) study the present of the desirable of students life skills in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving 3) development of program to strengthen life skills of students in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving in schools under the jurisdiction of secondary educational service area office 23.

The research has been carried out for all three phases and the first study is a measure to study the elements life skills of students in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving by three professional. The second study of present of the desirable of students life skills in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving by simple random sampling method from 327 of administrators and teachers in schools under the jurisdiction of secondary educational service area office 23. The third development of program to strengthen life skills of students in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving was evaluated by 5 professionals. The instruments for collecting data were interview, questionnaire assessment and evaluation. Statistics was average, percentile and standard deviation. The technical requirements was the Modified Priority Needs Index

(PNI modified)

The research found that

1. The elements life skills of students in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving included with three main elements and divided in 15 elements. The element of critical thinking included with five elements were interpretation, understanding and explain, inquiry, relation of reason and situational assessment.  The element of decision making included with five elements were identify problem of decision making, multi choices, analyze the choices, analysis the best choice and following the decision. The element of creative problem solving included with five elements were searching problem, analysis and understanding of searching problem and choose the method of problem solving, problem solving process and acceptable answer.

2. The present of the desirable of students life skills in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving was in average level in order from high to low were decision, creative problem solving and critical thinking.

3. Program to strengthen students life skills in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving included with three modules 1) concept and critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving theory, module 2) processes of critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving and 3) integration of critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving within 108 hours. The model focuses on developing self-knowledge, group activities, experiential learning and post- assessment.

          The result of program assessment enhances students life skills in critical thinking, decision making and creative problem solving in Schools Under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 23 by five professionals found that the content of the program completed, possible, suitable and useful related to 4.33 and the results and assessing manual were appropriate in the degree 4.36

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