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This research aimed to 1) develop academic administration strategies to promote learning management competency based on a competency–based curriculum; and 2) validate the academic administration strategies to promote learning management competency based on a competency–based curriculum. This mixed–methods research was divided into two phases: Phase 1 involved the development of academic administration strategies to promote learning management competency based on a competency–based curriculum. The key informants consisted of primary school directors, supervisors, and scholars in educational administration, totaling seven individuals, obtained through purposive sampling. Data were collected through interview forms and analyzed using content analysis. The research sample comprised 127 schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, participating in a research project focused on the development process of the competency–based curriculum of education sandbox schools during the academic year 2023. These schools were selected through proportional stratified random sampling, distributed by province. The informants, comprising 381 school directors, heads of academic departments, and teachers, completed a set of questionnaires, with item objective congruence indexes ranging from 0.60 to 1.00, the discrimination power between 0.50 and 0.95, and the reliability of 0.99. Data were analyzed for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and a modified priority need index. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were analyzed by the 2S4M model, PEST model, and TOWS Matrix. Phase 2 involved the validation of academic administration strategies to promote learning management competency based on a competency–based curriculum. The 12 informants, obtained through purposive sampling, included the Director of the Primary Educational Service Area Office, school directors, deputy directors in academic affairs, scholars in educational administration, and supervisors. Data were collected through a connoisseurship seminar and analyzed using content analysis. The strategies were implemented in a primary school and were selected through purposive sampling based on the established criteria.
The research results showed that:
1. The academic administration strategy to promote learning management competency based on a competency–based curriculum consisted of six main strategies: 1) adjusting the innovation and technology development system to align with social and cultural conditions and respond to learners’ needs; 2) developing a competency–based curriculum following modern technologies and addressing learners’ needs; 3) adjusting budgeting system to support the effective development of a competency–based curriculum; 4) upgrading the quality of educational supervision based on a competency–based curriculum; 5) developing technology–oriented learning innovations that respond to learners’ needs; and 6) developing a comprehensive assessment system based on a competency–based curriculum.
2. The academic administration strategy to promote learning management competency based on a competency–based curriculum was approved by consensus that it was accurate, appropriate, feasible, and beneficial.
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