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The objectives of the research were to examine 1) the level of factors and preparedness behaviors of middle-aged adults for being active aging elderly, and 2) the related factors of preparedness behaviors of middle-aged adults for being active aging elderly. The population comprised 2,581 residents aged 35–59 years living in the Banglen Subdistrict Area, Songphinong District, Suphanburi Province. The sample consisted of 353 participants, obtained through the sample size determination using Taro Yamane's formula, then using a multi-stage sampling method. The research instruments consisted of a set of questionnaires on the preparedness behaviors of middle-aged adults for being active aging elderly, with the reliability of .962, and a set of questionnaires on factors related to preparedness behaviors of middle-aged adults for being active aging elderly, with the reliability of .856. Statistical data analysis included percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis.
The research findings revealed that 1) preparedness behaviors of middle-aged adults for being active aging elderly were rated at a high level. The variation factors on future orientation, self-control, internal locus of control orientation, and good attitudes toward preparedness of middle-aged adults for being active aging elderly were rated at a high level. However, social support was rated at a low level, and 2) factors including age, income, savings, future orientation, internal locus of control orientation, self-control, good attitudes toward the preparation for being active aging elderly, and social support were significantly related to preparedness behaviors of middle-aged adults for being active aging elderly. Factors affecting the preparedness behaviors of middle-aged adults for being active aging elderly included future orientation, self-control, good attitudes toward preparedness behaviors for being active aging elderly, social support, age, and savings could jointly predict the preparedness behaviors with 56.90 percent significance. The predictive equation could be written in the form of standard scores as Zy = .503X7 +.224 X9 +.145X10 +.117X1 + .078X4
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