ปัจจัยที่ส่งผลต่อคุณภาพชีวิตของผู้สูงอายุในเขตพื้นที่อำเภอพรรณานิคม จังหวัดสกลนคร

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Ridtichai Chasaen
Chardchai Udomkijmongkol
Lamai Romyen


The purposes of this research were to 1) examine social support factors and the level of welfare for the elderly in Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province, 2) to explore the level of the quality of life of the elderly in Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province, and 3) to identify the influences of welfare and social support factors on the quality of life of the elderly in Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province.  Obtained through stratified sampling technique, the samples consisted of 375 elderly people residing in the Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province. The tool for data collection was a set of questionnaires with the reliability of .942. Statistics employed for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), standard deviation, and multiple regression Analysis. The study results revealed that: 1) The demographical profile comprised gender, age, marital status, education background, occupation, education background, and monthly income. The total of 375 respondents consisted of 53.90% males. The age range of the respondents was between 66 and 77 (44.30%). Overall, 66.70% of all respondents reported they were married at the time of the survey. Regarding educational background, 31.50% of all respondents had completed lower secondary school levels. More than 62.90% of the respondents were farmers, with monthly incomes between 5,001 to 10,000 baht (36.00%); 2) The welfare and the social support factors of the elderly were overall at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.97), (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.75), respectively. Likewise, the quality of life of the elderly in this area was overall at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.22); 3) The welfare for the elderly significantly influenced their quality of life at a .05 of significance. The welfare factors had a correlation coefficient of .545, and 4) the social support factors significantly influenced the quality of life of the elderly at a .05 level of significance with a correlation coefficient of .696.

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