การใช้แท็บเล็ตพัฒนาทักษะการอ่านคำที่ใช้ในชีวิตประจำวัน ของนักเรียนที่มีภาวะออทิสซึม ด้วยความร่วมมือของครูและผู้ปกครอง

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Unchalee Sanrattana
Prapatsorn Wonglakhon


The purposes of this study were: 1) to identify the words needed for daily-life communication of students with autism, aged 7-18 years enrolled in the Ratchaburi Special Education Center, and 2) to study the results of using a tablet-based device to develop oral communication for the daily life of students with autism using a teacher-parent collaborative approach. Two males and one female student with autism who were diagnosed as autistic by the physician were selected through purposive sampling. The A-B-C single-subject design was used in this study. The research tools included a word surveying form, individualized implementation plans, and flashcards, with an index of item objective congruence (IOC) between the pictures and words of 0.93, and the inter-observer agreement (IOA) of 94.71%. Data were analyzed for both individuals and groups and presented by using a line graph.

            The study results showed that: 1) These participants required 40 words for daily life communication, 2) The effects after using tablet-based devices to develop word reading skills for daily life communication of students with autism using teacher-parent collaboration in the baseline (A), gif.latex?\bar{x}=11.44 words: 28.61%, using flashcards by the teacher (B1), gif.latex?\bar{x}= 29.22 words: 73.05%, using tablet-based devices by the teacher (B2), gif.latex?\bar{x}= 37.89 words: 94.73% and using tablet-based devices by the parents (C), 38.44 words: 96.10%. After the intervention, the participants could speak clearly and communicate by using words appropriate to given situations.

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