ครูรัก(ษ์)ถิ่น แม่พิมพ์ของชาติ พลังของแผ่นดิน ผู้พัฒนาท้องถิ่นพื้นที่ห่างไกลสู่ความเจริญ

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Kulisara Jitchayawanit
Manee Sanghirun
Panomporn Sirithaporn
Natthapron Areeyat
Thitima Hirunruk
Bunchar Sornchai


Kru Rak Thin (Teachers Return Home) Project under Equitable Education Fund (EEF) is intended to provide an opportunity for poor students in remote areas, who dream of being teachers, to study at designated teacher-producing universities. Co-run by 5 responsible agencies: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Office of the Basic Education Commission, Office of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission, and Secretariat Office of the Teachers Council of Thailand, the project aims to produce quality young teachers in response to the need of small schools in remote areas, with the focus on reducing inequality and increasing educational opportunities for the poor and underprivileged pre-service teachers to attain an education degree, and return to their home communities to work in protected/stand-alone schools according to government policies.As an important initial step toward quality teacher production for the Kru Rak Thin project, the designated universities must have a rigorous selection process to ensure the quality of the recruited students, which includes searching, screening, selecting, and having guidelines for developing quality hometown teachers to possess professionalism, decency and teacher's spirit by educating them about the role of teachers, building academic skills, and cultivating the right attitude of  a spiritual teacher.

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