ผลของสื่อนิทานภาพที่ส่งเสริมการอ่านจับใจความนักเรียน ที่มีภาวะออทิซึมสเปกตรัม

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Ornjira Jarabram


The objective of this research was to examine the effects of using picture books to enhance the reading comprehension ability of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by comparing the pretest and posttest scores of their reading comprehension. The target group, selected through purposive sampling, consisted of four primary school students aged between 9 and 11 years old who attended Khon Kaen University Demonstration School, Special Education Division, and were diagnosed with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD) by the physician. The students with HFASD were literate, and could write vocabulary and sentences, but struggled with reading comprehension. Consequently, they were unable to understand the main idea of what they read.  The research instruments were: 1) picture books with two tales titled “Kati and Kalamare” and “Jaidee and The Wicked Witch”, and 2) six lesson plans, 3) a reading comprehension ability test. Data were analyzed by using basic and descriptive statistics.

The findings revealed that: 1. The students’ reading comprehension ability after the intervention was higher than that before the intervention. 2. The students’ performance on the reading comprehension posttest outperformed their pretest results as follows: the first student’s score increased from 35 points to 80 points, while the score for the second student increased from 45 points to 90 points on the pretest.  The third student had scores that increased from 60 points to 90 points. The fourth student increased 40 points on the pretest to achieve 95 points. The results of the study indicated that the use of picture books could improve students’ reading comprehension.

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