การพัฒนาการจัดการเรียนการสอนออนไลน์ เรื่อง ระบบคอมพิวเตอร์ วิชาเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร สำหรับนักเรียนที่บกพร่องทางร่างกายประเภท 3 สังกัดวิทยาลัยเอกชนภาคตะวันออก

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Chalermpol Chompukoth
Weerapun Panich
Thitichai Ruckbumrung


The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop an online instruction on Computer Systems for students with physical disabilities (type 3) under the Private Colleges of the Eastern Region, 2) to investigate the efficiency of the developed online instruction based on the 80/80 criteria, 3) to study the effectiveness index (E.I.) of the developed online instruction, and 4) to examine students' satisfaction toward the use of the developed e-Learning instruction. The sample, obtained through cluster random sampling, consisted of a class of 20 Vocational Certificate II students with physical disabilities (type 3) in the academic year of 2020 at Pattaya Redemptorist College of Technology. The research tools were: 1) Development tools consisted of 1.1) the AppServ Program (version 8.5.0), 1.2) the Visual studio code program, 1.3) the Navicat program; and 2) Assessment Tools consisted of 2.1) An e-Learning instruction on Computer Systems, 2.2) pre-and post-intervention tests, 2.3) a satisfaction assessment form. The statistics for data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation (S.D.), the efficiency criterion (E1/ E2), and the effectiveness index (E.I.).

The findings were as follows:                                                        1. The online instruction on Computer Systems consisted of four learning units: 1) computer systems, 2) hardware and software, 3) data input and display devices, and 4) computer assembly and program installation published on the website at https://prtc.ac.th/comsystem.                          2. The online instruction achieved the efficiency criteria (E1/ E2) of 81.88/83.17, which was higher than the specified threshold.                                                                                        3. The online instruction reached the effectiveness index of  0.6456, indicating that the students’ learning mean scores increased by 64.56 percent.                                                           4. The students’ satisfaction toward the developed online instruction was at a high level with a mean score of 4.04.

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