การพัฒนากลยุทธ์การบริหารงานวิชาการด้วยกระบวนการชุมชนการเรียนรู้ทางวิชาชีพ (PLC) ของโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษา สังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษามัธยมศึกษา เขต 8

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Pongdanai Dechdachachot
Kamolmal Chaisirithanya
Chuanchom Chinatangkul


The objectives of this research were 1) to examine the current and desirable conditions of academic administration on Professional Learning Community (PLC) of secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, 2) to develop academic administration strategies using Professional Learning Community (PLC) of secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 8, and 3) to confirm the academic administration strategies using Professional Learning Community (PLC) of secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 8. The population consisted of 55 secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 8. Tools for data collection include a set of questionnaires with a reliability of 0.97. The statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and index needs (Priority Need of Index).

The findings were as follows: 1) The desirable conditions of academic administration using PLC in secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 8 were overall at a higher level than the current conditions. When considering in each aspect, all dimensions were overall at a higher level than the current condition, including support and sharing leadership, supporting environmental factors, sharing values, visions and working standard, cooperative working, and performance focusing on learning of students and teachers; 2) The academic administration strategies on PLC in secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 8 consisted of six main strategies as follows: strategies focusing on learning of students and teachers, strategies on learning exchange to reflect the teaching and learning methods, strategies on supporting environmental factors in the classroom and participation, strategies on value sharing, organizational culture, visions, and  cooperative performance standard, strategies on performance reinforcement for encouraging the collaboration in managing PLC processes, and strategies on supportive and sharing leadership; and 3) The academic administration strategies on PLC of secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 8 were found in the conformity of propriety, utility, accuracy, and feasibility.

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