สมรรถนะการบริหารงานของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา สังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษามัธยมศึกษาศรีสะเกษ ยโสธร

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Pornsiri Duangsin
Udompan Pitchprasert
Pongsak Thongphanchang


The objectives of this research were to study compare opinions on the administrative  competencies, classified by work position and school size, and  to study guidelines for promoting the administrative competencies of school administrators under the Secondary Education Service Area Office in Sisaket and Yasothon. The sample of this study was 416 school administrators and teachers from 70 schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office in Sisaket and Yasothon.  Research instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of .87. Data were analyzed using statistics, including percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-Way ANOVA.

              The findings could be summarized as follows: The administrative competencies of school administrators under the Secondary Education Service Area Office in Sisaket and Yasothon for both overall and individual aspects were at the high level. The results of comparing opinions of school personnel towards administrative competencies of school administrators under the Secondary Education Service Area Office in Sisaket and Yasothon, classified by work position, years of working experience, and school size indicated that the sample with different work position had indifferent opinions. However, the sample with different years of working experience, and school size had different opinions with a statistical significance level of 0.05.  The results of studying the guidelines for promoting the administrative competency of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Sisaket and Yasothon revealed as follows: in terms of knowledge, school administrators should be encouraged for self-development and self-learning via online system. In terms of skills, trainings should be organized for developing technology skills, creativity, thinking process skills while developing professional skills. In terms of opinions about themselves, activities should be organized to promote confidence, develop a positive attitude, and self-esteem. In terms of individual attribute, satisfaction assessment of school administrators should be promoted. In terms of motivation/attitude, positive motivation and attitude should be built for school administrators.

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