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Sutthichot Somkhuandee
Chardchai Udomkijmongkol
Jitti Kittilertpaisan


The purposes of this research included the following: 1) to investigate and compare the level of the strategic leadership of police officers in Mukdahan Provincial Police Division based on their personal traits; and 2) to examine and establish guidelines for developing of strategic leadership of police officers in Mukdahan Provincial Police division. The samples consisted of 286 police officers in Mukdahan Provincial Police Division. The instrument for data collection was a set of questionnaires. Statistics employed of data analysis comprised frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t–test, and One–Way ANOVA. The findings revealed that: 1. Strategic leadership of police officers was overall at a high level. When considering each aspect, the strategic leadership was at a high level in all aspects: the ethical behaviors, followed by human resource development, creativity, organizational culture support, importance of organizational competency, shared vision, respectively 2. The opinions toward strategic leadership of police officers in the Mukdahan Provincial Police Division, classified by personal characteristics, namely gender, age, educational level, civil service level, rank classification, department of operations, affiliated provincial police station, and monthly payment overall were not different 3. The guidelines for developing strategic leadership of the police officers in the Mukdahan Provincial Police consisted of promoting and developing participation of the police officers in establishing the visions of the police station, acknowledging and understanding the visions of the police station, being able to perform in accordance with the visions of the police station, providing training and seminars to be equipped with knowledge about leadership development for the police officers, and to improve operational efficiency in all areas, and cultivation of the police officers to work by adhering to and accepting the good culture of the organization.

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